TMW – Bill-of-Lading (BOL)

TMW is SAP certified software that will solve all of your transaction processing needs, eliminate the need for in house support and lower support cost, thus letting you focus on your core business activity.

In industries like the Oil & Gas, Mining, Cardlock, Utilities and Agriculture  there is need to be able to process a large amount transactions and data (Bill-of-Ladings, Tickets, Readings etc..) then communicate the transactions to the ERP system to produce necessary financial documents in the ERP system like customer invoices.

The transactions or data will be initiated by the flow of product at a loading facility or discharge point, typically, a quantity will be recorded at the discharge point using a measurement device or tank straping tables, for example:

1- Scale

2- Flow or other type of meter

In the Oil Gas the discharge of product occurs at terminals, refineries and pipeline injection point, crude lease and gathering station. In the downstream the loading facilities are referred to as Load Racks. 

TMW was designed to handle all of the above with lighting efficiency and speed. The picture below shows a typical load rack operation.


Large Quantity of Bill-of-Ladings

The loading process for a truck or railcar starts by the driver or operator typing in all the necessary information about the load being hauled in a local system, this is referred as the local automation system, some of this information include customer shipto, product being loaded etc.  After the information is entered in the local automation system, the driver or operator connects the loading arm to the vehicle and loading process starts. The local automation system records the quantities being loaded by communicating to a scale or a meter, or sometimes like in the case of railcars the outage is recorded and based on charts the gross volume in obtained for the railcar.

Loading Process


The loading process can be classified into 2 kinds:


1- The 1st kind is called unplanned loading, this where the driver or carrier shows up at the loading facility without an order or prior planning, this type of loading is common for fuels.


2- The 2nd kind of loading is planned loading, in this case the driver shows up with a planned order number. Typicaly the planned order is created prior to loading by the customer placing an order to purchase certain product on certain day/time. The planned order to is sent to the loading facility, carrier and customer. When the driver shows up at the loading facility, they type the planned order number into the local automation system, loading start based on the planned order details.

Planned Order Process

Planned Order Process

Transaction Management Workbench (TMW-BOL) has been designed to deliver all required functionalty to process the Bill-of-Ladings from START to FINISH.

Transaction Management Workbench (TMW-BOL) – is a certified SAP software built inside of SAP for the purpose of:

  • Automating All Movements From Loading Facilities.
  • Managing all movements of products at refineries, terminals or loading facilities, this includes sales, purchases and transfers.
  • Processing Bill-of-ladings transaction at the loading rack using driver input.
  • Producing all the required logistics and financial Documents/Postings.

TMW supports 2 methods of loading:

  1. Order Bases Loading Using Planned Order (Dispatched Loading)
  2. Normal loading Without Pre-Planning

TMW is a customizable software solution built within SAP using ABAP used to automate the processing rack, bulk, crude movements, TSW and deal transactions in your SAP system. By processing, we mean validating the data then creating the required SAP financial and logistics documents. TMW provides the required functionality to consolidate all such processing in one central place, doing so will provide your company with tremendous benefits in terms of cost reduction and business process visibility. TMW has been designed with great emphasis on ease of user interaction and strong audit/process controls.


TMW Interface Broshures